The Infidel: The SS Occult Conspiracy is a supernatural historical thriller set inside Nazi Germany. Not a doctrinaire Nazi, SS Lieutenant Ernst Teschler discovers Himmler’s SS occult activities, then co-opts their European bank channels to impede the coming Holocaust. His mission is derailed when he discovers that his childhood mentor, Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, is a spy set against Hitler. The Infidel exposes the historical SS occult conspiracy against the Jews and the church. As fiction based on fact, the story underscores the courageous impact of the few who dared to take a stand against the Nazi regime. The novel exposes the dark supernatural intrigue inside of the SS Corps. For over two decades, Mr. Gruner’s historical research into World War II, Himmler’s SS operations, the German Church, and the plight of the Jews in the Holocaust has taken him to New York, Europe, and Jerusalem to interview Holocaust survivors and historians.